Pait Group Blog

Eight Tips for Effective Communication in the Workplace

Alright y’all, let's talk about something we all deal with every day - communication in the workplace. Whether it's chatting with our colleagues, discussing project details with our boss, or delivering a presentation to the whole team, effective communication is the key to success. So, let's dive into some tips to make your workplace communication smooooooth!

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Cascading Dropdowns in Power Apps – An Update

A common request in Power Apps is the ability to do Cascading Dropdowns. We’ve posted about this before, but it’s always worth a re-visit since there’s different ways to achieve this. Today, I’m going to show you how to create cascading dropdowns in a Power App from an existing SharePoint list. Let’s dive in. 

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Working with List Item Attachments in Power Automate Approvals

It’s funny how so much, yet so little, can change in three years. In February 2020, we published a blog post about working with Item Attachments in Flow. We’ve updated the existing post to reflect the new name of Flow to Power Automate, but now it’s time to revisit the post with updated Power Automate actions and functionality. The high-level process remains the same:

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Deployed and Depressed- When your M365 Intranet Isn’t Working For You

We at Pait Group have been using our DPS (or Deployment Planning Services) to help customers create new, modern intranets for many years. Most of the time, our clients are migrating from an old version of SharePoint. Sometimes they are migrating from a different platform. And sometimes they are setting up their very first intranet ever and finally moving away from putting everything in a file share! 

So what happens when a client comes to us and none of these scenarios are true? What if they have Microsoft 365 already, they’ve even deployed a modern intranet in SharePoint Online, they are already using Microsoft Teams, etc.? What then?

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Diving into SharePoint Embedded

Front-End Flexibility with SharePoint's Robust Document Storage Capabilities

Hey there, tech enthusiasts and SharePoint aficionados! Let's talk about SharePoint Embedded, Microsoft's latest brainchild in the realm of cloud-based document management. It introduces a headless, API-driven platform for integrating SharePoint's document management capabilities into custom applications. So, let’s dive in and break it down! 

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SharePoint 2013 Workflow Retirement: A public service announcement

As SharePoint 2013 Workflows moves closer to an end of life, we here at Pait have discussed how to best make sure our customers- past, present, and future- are prepared for the end of this important and once very common technology.

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