Pait Group Blog

Moving to a New Intranet is a Lot Like Moving to a New House

As I write this, I’m in the middle of packing up my house to move. If you’ve moved before, you know what a stressful process it is. But with some preparation and planning you can reduce your stress level a bit. As I was packing a box one evening, I started thinking about how moving to a new intranet in Microsoft 365 is a lot like moving to a new house. (I guess I’m nerdy like that.)

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Quick Tip: Fixing a Modern Site that Won’t Load

Recently, I had a client with an odd problem: one of their modern sites just wouldn’t load. It kept throwing a 404 error every time they tried navigating to the site. The link in the navigation was correct. The site existed; I could see it in the SharePoint Online Admin Center. But for some reason, the site refused to open and kept showing a 404 error every time anyone tried to access it.

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Creating an Organization Asset Library

Modern SharePoint pages make adding images about as easy as it could be. You can drag and drop an image from your desktop right onto a SharePoint page. You can add an Image web part and browse your site for an existing image. Haven’t uploaded the image yet? You can do that too from the image picker. What’s more, there is a robust stock image library that Microsoft has provided. Still can’t find what you’re after? Do a web search and use an image from a website (only licensed images, of course!).  

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Deployed and Depressed- When your M365 Intranet Isn’t Working For You

We at Pait Group have been using our DPS (or Deployment Planning Services) to help customers create new, modern intranets for many years. Most of the time, our clients are migrating from an old version of SharePoint. Sometimes they are migrating from a different platform. And sometimes they are setting up their very first intranet ever and finally moving away from putting everything in a file share! 

So what happens when a client comes to us and none of these scenarios are true? What if they have Microsoft 365 already, they’ve even deployed a modern intranet in SharePoint Online, they are already using Microsoft Teams, etc.? What then?

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Finally! Doc Libraries Get Treated Like the Lists that They Are...

My relationship with SharePoint goes way back to the SPS 2003 days. Let’s just say if SharePoint and I had a kid together, the kid would be able to move out and vote by now.

And since the beginning of my time with SharePoint, I always understood a document library to be a “special” kind of SharePoint list, one where each item just so happens to be a file. Sure, there are other differences between libraries and lists, but they all have columns and rows and views (and dreaded list view thresholds!) and content types and version history, etc. They are much more alike than they are different! 

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Is It Time for an Intranet Upgrade?

It’s Monday morning. Time to work. The weekend is rapidly fading into a distant memory. You pour coffee into your mug, then reluctantly settle in at your desk, hoping the caffeine kicks in soon so you can begin the arduous task of tracking down the quarterly expense reports. You need to find the expense summary page on the intranet to begin, but you can’t quite remember where that page lives in the intranet.

After firing up your web browser, the familiar, yet clunky and (let’s be honest here) ugly company intranet greets you. Scrolling down the page, you don’t pay a whole lot of attention to the first block of content you see because it’s usually a couple of months out of date and rarely relevant to your needs. Instead, you embark on a quest through a seemingly endless list of links, desperately searching for the one that takes you to the expense report summary.

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